25 years have passed; I will not write about the history of the islands, nor about the unfair British occupation, nor about the war, nor about the memorable battles there fought, nor about the incompetent Argentine commanders, nor how they underestimated the British reaction to our attempt of recovering them, nor how Chile helped the British during the war, which by the way, it was partly justified for they were threatened by the Argentine military regime and our military superiority (during those years…), since all of this can be read in detail in more serious sources where you would get a much more complete account of what happened.
I will just limit myself to express my complete solidarity with the Argentine soldiers that fought in the conflict against an immensely superior enemy, a much better equipped professional army, but that regardless of their scarce and inappropriate equipment, and that even though many were sent to war without having finished their training, against their will, and with no other option but to fight, they fought with courage, with honor, with their heart, for what they believed theirs, ours, for our nation, for our territory, for their love for our country.
Las Malvinas are Argentine.
They will always be.