Wednesday, June 30, 2010

*** Project Done!! ***

Wireless monitoring system for a 3kW vertical axis wind turbine and 2.5kW PV array. In the picture, 208V electric panel, grid-tied wind & solar inverters, power supplies, lots of cables that need to be put in conduit, wireless modules / PCBs with transceivers, a 'wind PCB' with a microcontroller that communicates wirelessly with the wind inverter, a 'solar PCB' with another microcontroller that communicates wirelessly to another microcontroller in a sensors PCB - inside the solar inverter - that measures relevant solar data, dynamic LED bars on both the wind and solar PCBs that turn on or off depending on the amount of power being produced, and all this data integrated and shown in real-time in 4 LCDs driven by the 2 microcontrollers on the wind & solar side.

Pure genius :P
