This post is not to brag about myself but because I am at the very end of a long phase in my life that demanded huge amounts of effort, determination, abnegation, with lots of worries, uncertainty, and lots of life lessons.
Only my parents, God, and myself, know what I went through in order to be able to study and afford the extremely expensive tuition in the US.
Sometimes I do think that I could have studied for free in Argentina... was it even worth it? Absolutely. There is no doubt in my mind that all the effort during these years of sacrifice are paying off, and will continue paying off for the rest of my life.
Today, 1 1/2 years after graduating, I finally paid off my IIT debt and they gave me the diplomas. Feel good :). I still have my debt with my dad and a friend, which I will pay off in the next few months.
Thank you to all those that helped me. Thank you Mom. Thank you Dad. Thank you Sherril. Thank you Soenke. Thank you God. These little pieces of paper wouldn't have been possible without you.