Some have asked why I chose ‘The Schamberton Foundation’ as the title of my blog, so on to the explanation... Reality, and life itself, is unfair. Some are born rich, some in the upper social classes, some in middle-class families, some in the poorest places in a rich country, and others in the poorest places in poor countries. Poverty is relative to the system of reference; in countries such as the USA or in Western Europe, poor people have many governmental subsidies, have access to excellent public hospitals, and are capriciously accustomed to the idea that is their right and is the government’s duty to take care of them. This is definitely not the case in poor countries, where a really poor person is someone who everyday strives for survival, in precarious conditions of living, who are subject to illnesses that if it weren’t for their limited access to an appropriate health care system they would have cure, and with little or no aid at all from the government. As true as it is that life is unfair, it’s also needless to say that one of the most inherent attributes of human nature is selfishness. To provide a massive well-rounded education with an emphasis in moral and ethical values, especially in rich countries, could be the solution to such a problem as they would probably be compelled to do something about poverty, but this is simply unrealistic; also, perhaps, the media could recognize their role in society, which is not only to inform, but ultimately to educate, and they could well use their means and power to reach to every corner of a nation and educate the population by creating some sense of empathy and awareness of other peoples of the world; they could show them how harsh reality is in some places, and compel them if not to donate their money, at least to better appreciate the condition of their life. They would soon realize how ridiculous they are when getting depressed for irrelevant problems and complaining they are miserable because they can not go on vacations, afford a car or even new clothes… but again, even though this is done by a few media sources such as the BBC news which is doing a pretty good job on the issue, this also is probably unrealistic. I am convinced the media is largely responsible for the society's education, and it's an unfortunate fact that, in general, they are indifferent to their role and just publish what generates sales. It is not fair that our lives are conditioned in such a highly manner by this kind of geographic luck, and even though this is unavoidable, we, especially in the west, have the possibilities that with effort and determination we can very much open our way through the difficulties that we might encounter, and climb up the social ladder to get to where we ‘reasonably’ want to. Social mobility in these rich countries is much more flexible; the opportunities are at our reach, and we just need to discover and know how to make use of them. However, these same opportunities are not available in poorer countries, where this movement up or down the social strata is much more rigid and difficult, and where external factors so powerfully condition the life of a person that any effort to succeed or modify their highly probable predestined future results in vain. I do not share the view of helping those in need by giving away millions of dollars in food as this just distracts and diverts from the real solution to the problem; charity is not the solution, and just prolongs the misfortunes and sufferings of the poor. Moreover, many times this squandering of money is used as publicity, in where the ‘charitable person’ does not really want to become engaged with the problem and spend time in finding a solution, but gives away his extra money to consecrate himself, expecting others to do the humanitarian work – note himself could well be applied to corporations and even nations/governments. Education is necessary for the long-term development to address these needs. An admirable initiative is that of MIT’s media lab currently focusing on the development of the ‘100-dollar laptops’, with the fantastic idea of applying a hand crank to the computers for providing power, in places where electricity is undependable or unavailable. Clearly, 100 dollars is still very expensive for a vast amount of people, some living with just 1 dollar a day, but it is definitely a step forward in the right direction. However, it is definitely not enough; in fact, no poor child is in a condition to study, even if that education would be available around the corner, if his main concern is whether he will be fortunate enough to eat something that day or not. In these extreme cases, education would do very little. For instance, these cases generally occur in places in where there are not the necessary institutions to promote education and provide some kind of guarantee that if a person studies, he would actually find a job and a consequent better lifestyle. If some non-for profit organization goes, say, to some poor country in Africa, and starts educating the poor, what they would simply get as a result is educated poor, if this is not accompanied with a restructuring of the country’s institutions. Not only education and starvation is a problem, but it is way too common, especially in Africa, family situations in where both parents infected with HIV die, and their children are left orphans, with no resources, vulnerable to the society’s external pressure, with no guidance whatsoever, and in many cases subject to exploitation. There are many other major problems far from being solved, such as the access to pure drinkable water, efficient methods of producing energy for domestic consumption, the shrinking of distances in the emerging countries by the development of transport and the implementation of the corresponding infrastructure, health problems that could actually be reduced by spreading awareness and educating the population, the construction of shelters to protect them not only from the weather, but also from insects transmitting diseases, to mention only a few. All these problems need to be addressed in order to make a difference. Is this being done? Yes; is it enough? Of course not. The quality of the help given should be considered; for instance, in the case of food, if there is no other option but to send it to the place in question as for some reason it is not possible to produce it there, I believe the way to do it is by making the poor population participate in some way. In effect, it is not the same that someone in need get the help from someone else or some non-for profit organization that practically feeds him in the mouth, than that someone in need actually worked for his nurturing. In the first case, the poor person is nurtured by someone, and as a subtle result, he is aware of his condition of inferiority and this only helps in making him feel miserable and do nothing to change his condition. In the latter case, if the person works for his own nurturing, undoubtedly, this would have a tremendous positive psychological effect on the person, and would result in a boost of confidence as he would know that he is responsible for his well being. I personally like the idea of installing a small production facility in a poor place with the intention that it would ultimately be run by those living there; say, a small bakery producing highly nutritious bread and ran by those living near the place. The requirement to keep it working would be perhaps a monthly supply of flour, the necessary ingredients to make bread, which could very well come from some other parts of Africa, and energy to bake it. To begin with, I guess some propane tanks would suffice, though in the long run the source of energy could very well be obtained in situ, using solar or wind technologies depending on the geographic characteristics. Clearly, this would require a good amount of initial investment; however, it would aim so that in the long run it could reach a certain level of self-sufficiency, as they would just need to be regularly supplied with the necessary ingredients to continue producing bread. Therefore, the price of this maintenance would be comprised by the cost of this ingredients plus the cost of shipping them to the site. Would this highly protein bread contain other vitamins that people don’t include in their daily diets? Would there be enough security to develop such a project without the risk of being robbed? Several factors would have to be considered. This would be suitable for those places that suffer the most, in where people would be willing to work just to produce the food for their survival, and not get paid in return. Don’t expect that this bread would be commercialized, but could be traded and exchanged for other services. A certain level of organization would be required in the place, in where those involved would be expected to know their responsibilities. Once this is achieved, I really don’t see why this wouldn’t work out. Again, this would necessarily require a constant flow of money for the supplies in order for the initiative to keep going, but this is way more preferable than spending this money in buying the food and giving it away. I guess all I am trying to say is that money and effort should be spent wisely, in long-term sustainable projects, rather than in short term blatant and cynical attempts of rich governments to fight against poverty. Why is it that rich countries and governments don’t encourage this kind of help? Is there any doubt that poverty is necessary and has its useful role in every society? In an attempt of self-criticism, I guess I am in the age where I think I can be anything that I propose to, and that can actually contribute in the decrease of these societal inequalities. I might have on this matter kind of an idealistic view, but I think that anybody can contribute in as little or as much as his own possibilities enable him. As a matter of fact, aiming a little high is preferable than having no ideals and standing still. Not necessarily do philanthropists and altruistic people need to have millions of dollars to give in aid in order to start helping the misfortuned; I would say that most of the people reading this is so much more fortunate than most of the world’s population, and we are all in a position to contribute in the struggle against poverty. Even one dollar a day can save the life of a child somewhere in the world, so it is potentially possible that we can do something about it, the key matter here is how predisposed we are to do so… Time and determination will say how much I will actually be able to accomplish, but I believe these are great things for which to struggle for; it is a huge motivation not to satisfy ourselves with what we have, and playing by the rules, if our goal is noble and sincere, do all what we can to get to our objective not letting others with narrower minds and vision discourage us nor be a block in our road. The Schamberton foundation is nothing more than a fancy name that represents in a personal manner all these ideals. In the future, should it be a name that does not give me recognition in return, I think this would be immaterial… I don’t know if this particular ‘project’ is actually practical, and I am sure it would be difficult to implement. There must be places where this is already being done, though I don’t know about them and it is clearly not enough… For now, this is just a self-motivating and entertaining idea for the constant search for equilibrium among the unfair predestined inequality among people around the world.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
The Schamberton Foundation
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
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So how do you donate money to the Schamberton Foundation?
and where can I get a $100 laptop?
I haven't thought about it...
$100 laptops are not yet in production.
Hey Eric,
let me tell you that before visiting your blog I was expecting something completely different.
I totally agree with you. Poverty is completely relative, and only our education and knowledge of other poor places will let us make a good judgment of how poor / rich some certain place is.
As you mentioned, there is no single problem that originates poverty, and in order to reduce it, it is necessary to consider all the problems involved. By solving only one of the many problems in a specific region, say, setting a water purification system in some town in South America, but disregarding the local people's needs for food, shelter, etc. would make little difference in the overall problem.
The Schamberton Foundation?? hahaahaa sounds cool...
"... aiming a little high is preferable than having no ideals and standing still" I couldn't agree more.
take care,
Je ne peut pas passer sans dire que finalement tu a trouvé une chanson de Raphael!!! eeeeeh!!! j'ai bien vu que tu as mis une nouvelle chanson! mon dieu!! Je suis heureuse, maintenant je continue à etudier, a bientôt!
c'est un telegramme, très court!
bye byeeeeee
I really believe that the problems of the world are. 1. Over population ; 2. There are to many people with "good intentions" to many efforts in trying to save the lifes of other people. 3. And to many people that are selfish and cover their selfishness by being goood samrithans and helping the poor (which are a direct cause of their selfishness).
The solution is simply allowing the famined to die; wars to eliminate the aggresive; and disease to naturally kill people like it was ment to be. Not only will we solve overpopulation but we will reinstate the natural checks the world has on us, and we will also become stronger by alowing the strong to survive.
I respect your ‘Malthusian’ perspective, though I disagree with it.
"There are to many people with "good intentions" to many efforts in trying to save the lifes of other people."
* Are you suggesting we should be indifferent to the extreme poor? I think there are too few people with ‘good intentions’. There are two distinctions that should be made, and I guess I will write about it some time in the future. It is simply not fair that someone be born in such disadvantaged positions as those in the poorest places around the world, but it is just and fair to let those who had an opportunity to improve the conditions of their lives and did not take advantage of them, live the miserable lives they, perhaps inadvertently, have chosen to live. If there are too many people with ‘good intentions’ is perhaps because they realize that these extremely poor people did not have any say and are not responsible for the condition of their lives, but that external factors greatly conditioned their future.
“And to many people that are selfish and cover their selfishness by being goood samrithans and helping the poor (which are a direct cause of their selfishness).”
* I am not sure I get what you are saying here.
“The solution is simply allowing the famined to die; wars to eliminate the aggresive; and disease to naturally kill people like it was ment to be.”
* Wars don’t discriminate between aggressive and non-aggressive people, and innocent people are killed disregardfully… who said this is the way it was meant to be? This is completely arbitrary, why would some certain disease kill millions in some countries, while none in others?
“Not only will we solve overpopulation but we will reinstate the natural checks the world has on us, and we will also become stronger by alowing the strong to survive.”
Overpopulation where? By letting millions of people die in Africa, will you solve the problem of overpopulation in the major cities of the world? Overpopulation is not the issue being discussed here, and not necessarily goes hand in hand with poverty.
From a practical perspective, yeah… let others take care about these kind of people, you have nothing to do with this… just live your life the best you can…. but I guess I refuse to accept how unfair this issue is.
I agree with your comment about the media as a powerful but underutilized tool. Perhaps why more attention isn't given to poverty other than focus on money generating interests is guilt. People don't want to feel guilty about their comfortable life styles. I can't count how many times I've changed TV channels because some charity showing famished children comes on while I'm snacking on a bag of Cheetos. Apathy is something the large majority of us suffer from. Perhaps if we weren't given the opportunity to look away from the condition, we would become fed up with its proliferation and would be motivated to do something about it.
When I can, I give money to those on the street right here in our own city, but does it even make a dent in their lives, probably not. Most of the money raised by panhandling probably only buys a sandwich if it's not pissed away on alcohol. If I had work that I needed executed, I would take someone up on their "Will work for food" offer. I would love to start an initiative that uses the labor of homeless people to build shelters where they can temporarily reside and learn job skills in addition to the construction skills they would gain so that they can create opportunities for themselves. And like you said, rather than being ashamed by having a dollar tossed to them, they could be proud because they're learning or relearning how to be self-sufficient.
Perhaps this principle could be applied to 3rd world countries where those without homes labor with local resources to create communities of houses and farms where they can raise their own crops. Where do we start? It's overwhelming and perhaps that's why poverty continues because we don't know where to start. Seeing all the facts and figures about poverty is intimidating. I do think we have to start with water, food and energy and shelter; perhaps in that order so that basic human needs are addressed logically. Education will happen along the way if we as society are showing them step by step how to attain these needs in a sustainable way. I don't know how yet.
unless you're starving, you can't get a $100 laptop. They will be given to governments of under-developed nations. Their Ministries of Education will hand them out like textbooks to the nations' poorest children according to the One Laptop Per Child's plan. Visit their website for more info.
Thanks for all your comments!
I used to give some money when someone would approach asking for it, but honestly, I try not to. Chicago is a rich city, and the condition of the poor living here is far better than that in the poorest countries.
I am inclined to think, though with no hard data to back this up, that the poor people we are used to see wandering in the streets have chosen, irresponsibly or
unconsciously, the resulting condition of their lives. Perhaps, this is too harsh, and a better approximation to reality would be that these kind of people did not have the necessary education to realize that when choosing to have fun, to party 300 out 365 days of the year, or simply do nothing and live lazy unproductive lives, they were not fully aware of the consequences of their actions.
Sure enough their situation is not only a result of erratic personal choices, but also is a result of the decadent environment in which they live, and of the poor examples of life they are surrounded with, and they therefore did not see any other possible future than to be like them.
Personally, however, I find extremely hard to believe that these people had never heard in their youth 'you should study...', or 'if you have a dream (other than being an NBA player), strive for it'...
It is true that it is hard for someone living in such conditions not to be influenced by the environment in which they are submerged, but I am convinced they have much more power of choice and they have a much higher control over their lives than extremely poor people have.
Salut. Aujourd'hui quand j'ai ouvert mes yeux pour aller à l'université j'ai écouté que les nouvelles parler de la pauvreté dans les pays pauvres, et je senti quelque chose sur moi, peut être c'était de l'impuissance, puisque, quoi faire? quelle type de solution réelle serait la plus d'accord avec les boisons de tous ces personnes. Alors, j'ai pensé à tes mots, et c'est un point de vue completement valide, plus que cela, c'est une analyse pour le "gros problème", recherchent pour inclure chacune des variables, observent tout le problème, comme voir la forêt d'en haut. Sa s'appelle Holisme, comme dit mon prof. de TGS (théorie générale de systèmes). Pour les gros problèmes, des gros solution, c'est ne pas valide l'idée de couvrir le soleil avec un doigt. Jamais je me suis donné du temps pour étudier bien tout ça, qui est notre realité mondiale que beaucoup de personnes ne veulent pas voir, pour eu c'est mieux de fermer le yeux, de voir seulement c'est qu'il veulent voir. Bon, je suis d'accord avec le thème de l'éducation, les médias son vraiment important, ce peut être une des façons les plus massives pour éduquer. Maintenant, quelles solutions? que pouvons-nous faire? l'union fait la force? alors quand le Schamberton Foundation commencera à travailler je voudrais bien être dans elle. On a beaucoup des choses à faire pour tous. Seulement cela pour maintenant.... bisous et succès dans tes affaires.
Have you heard of Barefoot colleges? Amazing initiative towards same ideals you were writing about, but these people put it to action. It has been around since 70's, I think.
Nice writing. I think charity is okay, in terms of simply giving away money, for a good cause. Even if it is a matter of publicity, followed by a lack of real engagement- money is just the financial support. The problem is really in the logistics part. Charity goes wrong when the resources are not spent towards long-term, but rather short-term goals i.e. giving food away vs. educating people how to produce food and develop a sustainable community. Perhaps the research and interest should focus on projects similar to Barefoot- how were they devised, how were they executed, where did they go wrong or no, whether they were successful and why- taking those as case studies towards a plan that could cover certain problems in a much more efficient way, or solving multiple problems with a single initiative, as well as monitoring what is possible to do in the world with it's current policies.
For some reason, the tactics right now is not to cure the reason for a wound, but rather try to apply a balm which heals it a little everytime, before it breaks out again.
Even though there is initiative, technology and enough people to cure all world's poverty, it undoubtedly exists as a societal value and "some rich government countries" are very fond of it. Perhaps it is because it scares people, to a certain extent makes them feel grateful for the (even miserable) life they live and keeps them obedient. Perhaps it is to keep alive the contemporary kitschy idea of charity and good will, because someone is profiting from it; someone is getting richer and richer because others are getting poorer by the minute- it's the range of information and education that finds answers to these questions.
Aiming a little high is okay, but only without losing all the steps inbetween.
I said I would reply ‘more thoroughly’ to your comment after the finals, but I don’t have much more to say. I didn’t know about Barefoot College; another great organization to keep in mind from which one can learn a lot is Engineers Without Borders. This last semester we’ve connected (my IPRO - 325) with the local student chapter of EWB at IIT. If you visit, there are some great and original long term sustainable projects EWB has been working on all around the world, and as you said, in order to be able to successfully contribute in helping these people, we first need to analyze and study from those that have been before us, their projects, how were they devised, how were they executed, whether they were successful or where did they go wrong, and considering all those as case studies, to device some plan of action, so that when implementing it, avoid the errors others have made and increase the efficiency and probability of success of our own project.
I like that you are, inadvertently or not, the first that subtlety (perhaps I am the one ‘over-analyzing’ your comment) wrote some kind of critique, kind of like ‘yeah, it all sounds too good, but there’s a long way to go from saying it to actually putting it into action…’. (Aiming a little high is okay, but only without losing all the steps inbetween…) and I completely agree. One of the main reasons of my blog is that not only it’s a great way of expressing myself, but also because it establishes some kind of compromise from my part. In other words, now whoever that has read my blog knows the way I think regarding certain issues and what I am planning to actually do… will I be able to do something? Honestly, not sure. But I’m 22, and I have a long way to go until the crappy years in the 80s :P… so, hopefully, it will mostly depend on me the way I use my life and the direction I give to it.
Bon, je t’ai dit que j’écrirais la réponse à français, mais je n’ai pas eu du temps pour l’écrire… Premièrement, si tu trouves des erreurs d’orthographe, tu devrais les corriger ;) … j'avais l'habitude d'écrire plus facilement, me je me rends compte que je suis perdant il. Trop triste =( … je dois aller à la France pour le pratiquer avant que je l'oublie totalement…
Deuxièmement, … oui, je te comprends absolument… si une personne a une correcte éducation et une personnalité non égoïste, il est presque impossible être indifférente à tous les images des jeunes affamés au bord de la mort sans aucun espoir de revertier leur situation.
Holisme? Quand j’ai lu cet mot je n’avais pas d’idée le significat, donc, je l’ai recherché. Selon Wikipédia, ‘Le principe du ‘Holisme’ dit qu'on connaît un être quand on connaît aussi l'ensemble, la totalité, du système dont il est une partie… issu d'Emile Durkheim, appliqué aux systèmes humains, par essence complexes, consiste à expliquer des faits sociaux par d’autres faits sociaux. La société exerce une contrainte (pouvoir de coercition) sur l’individu qui doit intérioriser (ou « naturaliser ») les principales règles et les respecter. Les comportements individuels sont donc socialement déterminés.’ Très intéressant, un grand concept pour avoir le présent.
Bon Sate, je t’embrasse
‘Ami’ =D
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