Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So many things going on. Things that happen. Unexpected things. Things one does not find a reason for. Things one would wish would not had happened. New things that happen because those unexpected and apparently terrible things laid the ground for them. Unreasonable things to my eye. Things I wished would have turned out another way. Things and people that motivate you to overcome those obstacles. Things one is willing to fight for. Things and people one would not change for anything in the world. Real things. Things that make you happy. And other things that can make you cry. Things. All kinds of things. Things. My life is made out of things. Things that shape my character. Things that have made of my personality what it is today. Things that interact with me. So many things. I want to understand those things. None of those things will push me back. None of those things will keep me from trying. New things. I want new things. I want to explore things. I want to learn new things. I do not like things that do not change. I want changing things. Evolving things. New things.

I will create a list of things that have touched my life. I'll try doing it as comprehensive as my memory and patience allow me to. Things in historical order. Things. Bad things and Good things. Though maybe as I go analyzing them, I might not find any bad things. Things that seemed inexplicable and made me question God as to why they were happening, I might be surprised to realize they needed to happen. Of course, if these things would not have happened, things would have turned out another way. But because things happened the way they did, new things turned out to be even better. And I am happy for those things. And I will be happy for even those bad things. I am sure of this and I will try to probe myself this to be the case. My things. Good things.