25 years have passed; I will not write about the history of the islands, nor about the unfair British occupation, nor about the war, nor about the memorable battles there fought, nor about the incompetent Argentine commanders, nor how they underestimated the British reaction to our attempt of recovering them, nor how Chile helped the British during the war, which by the way, it was partly justified for they were threatened by the Argentine military regime and our military superiority (during those years…), since all of this can be read in detail in more serious sources where you would get a much more complete account of what happened.

I will just limit myself to express my complete solidarity with the Argentine soldiers that fought in the conflict against an immensely superior enemy, a much better equipped professional army, but that regardless of their scarce and inappropriate equipment, and that even though many were sent to war without having finished their training, against their will, and with no other option but to fight, they fought with courage, with honor, with their heart, for what they believed theirs, ours, for our nation, for our territory, for their love for our country.
Las Malvinas are Argentine.
They will always be.
First of all, I'd like to say that there's lots of myths about this war. For example, is not true that soldiers were send without food, equipment (wel... this one, partially) and training. There were only a few that were sent to be the "first line", as there are in every war. The rest, were profesionals. Much more... the Lagartos, commanded by Astiz, were the elite forces who were recognized as one of the best in the world. Great Bretain knew that... so they were all killed, but they lost dozens for this (some talk about hundreds).
Something it's true, is that the FALs (fusil argentino ligero) and the FAPs (fusil argentino pesado) were not prepared for that conflict. But they were better than those used by Great Bretain. The FALs use 7.62 mm bullets, which are much precise and bigger than the ones used by GB.
To finish... does everyone think that we, argentinians are so stupid? Do you really think that we didn't know logistics, and how to defense de islands? So why everyone claim that GB only lost 350 men in combat, while Argentina lost 750. Don't you forget that the one who attacks is always going to have more loses? You are insulting us. GB fought with mercenaries, so denying their existence was very easy... and the numbers just came as they wanted to. Some people, who know about this war affirm two things that will blow your mind:
1st: This was the most expensive war for GB, basing this in that for every argentinian soldier killed, it costed something like 5 millon dollars. Take into accout the 750 in combat, some others killed in air combats, and some ended with the General Belgrano... and you've got over 1200 soldiers killed.
2nd: some say that this war, had the blackest day in GB's military forces, with their record on lost men, when they tried to disembark. Even darker that the D day (día D) in second world war.
As everyone know, the story is wrote by the ones who wins the war...
I would like to remark and honor every argentinian who lost his life fighting for their belief... for our belief:
Note: the Argentinian air force pilots were proclaimed as the best of the world. Let's remember them as they deserve.
My understanding of the war is like that of most of the Argentines'. I have never read seriously about it, so I appreciate your comment.
You bring up some very good points to consider. When reading a little bit for the 25th anniversary of the war, I do remember reading (from an Argentine source) those same figures for the casualties on each side; however, you are right to think that the number of British casualties could have very well been curved and the number of mercenaries killed not even considered in the records.
It is true that history is written by the one who wins, but it's kind of disturbing to know that this is happening in this war. Again, most of the Argentines do not think about some of your points, and most blame the incompetent generals and generalize by victimizing all the Argentine soldiers that were irresponsibly sent to war. Even our movies -i.e. 'Iluminados por el fuego' - transmit this publicly accepted point of view.
where did you get this information from?, mention some of your sources!
- Eric
It was talking some time ago with a man that used to have a "fotolog". He was a member of the army, and they did tell them the truth about the war. Was it true that officials were out the battlefield? Yes. Was it true that they didn't have what to eat? No... they just didn't have time to make it, because GB was attacking them whenever they were trying to do that.
There are lots of myths... and I think that people should know better our history.
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