Friday, June 26, 2009

What for?

I'm kinda losing the idea of writing in my blog. So no more anything until further notice.


Anonymous said...

Oh why? I just recently started following your blog.

schamton said...

mmmm because my mind is only worried about finding a job right now :| i don't care about my blog... who are you? and have you read any other entries? :P

Anonymous said...

Is finding a job so touch you have no time to write? I'm Sanna the friend of Helmi's and I've read some of your older entries, not all of them, though. Your trip around the latin america sounds cool.

schamton said...

hola Sanna :) well, it's not that i dont have time for it, but more that i don't feel like it... i'm just worried about getting a job... maybe i could write about that :P ... i'm working part time for a small company now, and waiting for a pretty big company producing wind turbines to contact me in the next couple days for a position.. so we'll see. hopefully the 'we'll contact you in the next couple of days' will not be more than mmm 10? .. it's been 5 already :|

Anonymous said...

Yeah, write about it. But now that you have even a part time job you shouldn't worry. At least not so much.

If they say they'll contact you in a few days they will take their time just because they can. Well, I hope they'll let you out of your nervoursness some time soon.

schamton said...

Gracias Sanna :)