Friday, July 07, 2006


My name is Eric Schamber, I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina, though I am currently living and studying in the USA.

I really don't know how much time I will dedicate to this post, but I will definitely write once in a while to talk about personal interests, express my concerns, the way I see the world, and my interpretation of reality.

I would like to formally introduce this blog to the 'blogger community' with the following phrase:

"If you sincerely desire a truly well-rounded education, you must study the extremists, the obscure and "nutty". You need the balance! Your poor brain is already being impregnated with middle-of-the-road crap, twenty-four hours a day, no matter what. Network TV, newspapers, radio, magazines at the supermarket... even if you never watch, read, listen, or leave you house, even if you are deaf and blind, the telepathic pressure alone of the uncountable normals surrounding you will insure that you are automatically well-grounded in consensus reality."

I do not know who wrote it, but I totally agree with it.


Anonymous said...

Le blog, mmm, intéressant, je doit le analyser plus. Il semble qu'il faut raconter trop et je n'ai rien à dire, peut être des "boludeses"!, mais ça t'embête :P
Je devrais être en train d'étudier, mais j'ai trop de sommeil. Alors j'irai faire dodo.
A demain!

j'aime bien être anonyme! ;)

Anonymous said...

et la mise à jour? quand?

Anonymous said...

Hola desde Barcelona!
Qué tal Eric? Como dijiste, aquí dejo mi comentario.Otro día con tiempo me pondré a mirar tus escritos, más bien a intentar entenderlos. Esas fotos ya dicen demasiado...
Espero que estés bien.
Besos y hasta pronto!
