Sunday, January 21, 2007

Trip of a lifetime

Inspired by the movie ‘Motorcycle Diaries’, this is a trip I am planning to do some time in the coming years. The idea is this: I would start in the north of South America, go along the east of the continent, the Atlantic side, all the way south to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Once I get there, I would rest for a few days, maybe weeks, and then continue the journey to La Patagonia, cross the Andes to Chile, and start moving north by the Pacific side.

Too crazy?!… well, perhaps… these kinds of trips have to be done while still young, so this is my plan… I will graduate in about two years, find a job and work for about 3 years to pay back the money spent in college; I would probably work one more year to save money for this trip, some money to go back to graduate school, and some as back up… once I have paid back the college money and with still little to no financial responsibilities (hopefully), then I would be ready for the trip, at around 28 years old, which is still pretty young ;)

How would I do it? Well, I have no idea yet… would it be by bike, hitchhiking, by bus, a combination of the three? Don’t know… but I have plenty of time to think about it. Naturally, no itineraries… it would probably take more time than the expected anyway… in fact, it’s kind of impossible to develop a timetable specifying when I would arrive at each place…. but this is the BEAUTY of the trip… you don’t really know what to expect, what the road will present you with, and you can’t really imagine all the countless situations you might encounter.

Why do I want to do such a trip? Considering the fact that I am breaking my butt studying, studying, and studying all these years, I am entitled to having a ‘little’ vacation and some fun… =P … but also, I don’t like going to a place on vacations, staying comfortably in a hotel, enjoying it’s good food, it’s piscine, going to the downtown area and buying at its expensive stores, etc… that’s very superficial… In my view, it is much more preferable going to those ‘different’ places where one can appreciate directly its culture, the place, learn from it, and let others share their traditions and lifestyles with you.

It is also very eye-opening as one is directly exposed to the conditions and characteristics of the places visited. I’m sure I’ll find poverty along the way, and getting familiar with these places at a young age will definitely help in the future if I have the means and time to do something and help, probably in that place that would impress me the most. I am convinced the knowledge and experience gained in such a trip would be essential in objectively and ‘precisely’ determining what the real needs of the people living in some rural village of Latin America are.

I want something different, something most people don’t even think about, and those that do, dream about but end up never doing; a direct consequence of the structured, narrow-minded, boring lifestyles that society, in general, imposes to us. Some have told me that once I start working I will like the money and I will not want to stop working and go back to school, nor to quit the job to do such a trip… well, it takes determination to do it… it would probably be hard to find a job after 6 months of being inactive, but the idea is that after the trip I would go to graduate school, so after finishing a graduate program it’s much easier to find a job directly through the connection that companies and the university already have.

I am writing this part of the post not precisely for others to read, but for myself to read as many times I think necessary so that I will not make the same mistakes others have done. I will repeat the phrase I have already posted on July 30, 2006:

“The intelligent person learns from his own experience
The wise learns from that of the others
The fool never learns.”

Many friends whom I respect also had plans in their youth, but once they started working, for some reason or another (they begun getting raises, having more responsibilities at work, had children, etc.), their projects and ideas faded away, and they could only accomplish some of their goals they had set in their youth. Learning from their experience, I will not make the same mistakes. Some of these projects can only be done when still young. Money can wait. Respect in the job environment can wait. Promotions can wait. Life and time don't, they just pass by. As John Lennon said, “life is what happens while we are busy making other plans”. I will live my life wisely, open-minded, flexible to any situations that might present, and enjoy every moment of it.

If an employer happens to someday read my blog, he / she will have to understand that if they appreciate me, or my capacity, and if I like the job, then I will probably want to continue working for them after going to graduate school. They will also understand that this kind of trip can only be done while still young, and that I will not allow myself to miss this opportunity, not for money, not for a job, not for recognition, nor for promotion. I can always have this a little later in life.

This is the way I think, at 22, would be the wisest way of spending the coming years of my life. I thank God for the opportunities that I have, I thank my parents for their support, and if no unexpected problems arise in the coming future, this is a trip of a lifetime, something I would never regret having done, worth the effort and time spent on it.


Anonymous said...

When you will be 28 years old, I will be 26. I will have my degree in Biology and be ready to enter to Med-School provided I gathered the necessary money. My mind will never loose its inherent excessive fly of thought. Therefore, why not dream of passing through Guatemala, Peru, Brasil, Colombia, and eventually reach our Argentina. Even though my life's philosophy continues to be preparing for eternity, whatever the latter might be, I have realized about the importance of terrestrially developing and pursuing dreams... As a matter of fact, the reality is limited to the present life. The matter of the fact is that one has one life to accomplish dreams, reach goals, and perfect one's character. My pace is slower than yours. Please wait for me... Let the trip be real.

Anonymous said...

your vision and ideals are contagious.

Don't change.



Anonymous said...

no vas a pasar por costa rica?? you're missing out on the most beautiful country of all

Anonymous said...

pues casi me paro a aplaudirte después de leer esto...pero lo haré cuando me digas que lo hiciste y me enseñes las fotos de tu viaje!
Por lo pronto puedo cooperar con alimentos,sleeping bags, linternas una bicicleta y artículos de higiene (jabones, shampoo, etc,etc...)jaja :D.
La verdad no creo que nada te impida realizar lo que quieras y te propongas mientras tengas esa mentalidad. Y que gusto da leer estas cosas que uno no se encuentra todos los días... personas así, que no se encuentran todos los días!!


Anonymous said...

creo que firme dos veces porque es la primera vez que lo hago y pense que se HAbia borrado!
Pero ahora leí el letrerito que sale arriba de la pagina que dice que cuando lo apruebes se publicarán mis dos comentraios! NOOOOOOOO :o
asi que borras uno de ellos jajajaja...
y este por supesto que tambien!

Anonymous said...

Menudo viaje... aunque a tanto tiempo vista un poco dificil esto de pensar en ello pero no hacerse una ruta prevista, no?
Qué envidia más sana!!
Ojalá pueda hacer algún día algo así. Se aceptan acompañantes? Jejeje!!
Un besito y hasta muy muy pronto!!
Y no estudies tanto!!

Sate said...

buenísimo, por ahi por los 28 anda a saber por doned estaré viviendo, pero deseguro que aún en Chile, asi que ya tienes un techo donde quedarte un par de días, :P .
me encanta eso de ir a otros paises conocer otras culturas, sus estructuras arkitectonicas, me mata pensar en todo eso, jajaja, bueno, por ahi no sé cuando pueda emprender un viaje similar, y luego otro por europa. mucha suerte, y que ojalá logres llevar a cabo este plan de viaje.
y que no muera en ti esta idea :P
un abrazo desde Chile.
ton amie Bárbara

jason m w said...

i dream of the open road myself. when your ready to take this trip let me know. i'm there. mosting omportant thing of all.... what mode of transportations.

if we drive we should get a volvo c303-

and if we ride we should use the KTM adventure 640 -

i wonder if i'd still be married when we got back? hummmmm

schamton said...

Hey Jason, that track is a monster! haha how much gas it would swallow in a trip like that?? crazy! the motorcycle is much more reasonable! and i've been thinking, it will probably have to be in a motorcycle...
thanks for your comment!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to add my thoughts, and I'm going to start by quoting you:

"I want something different, something most people don’t even think about, and those that do, dream about but end up never doing."

This is so true!!!

It's interesting, that when I starting working my family (God bless them) wanted to aim me in the right direction, and of course supplied me with their thoughts about where I am to invest with my new fortune (okay that's an exageration). My mom told me to buy clothes, my father told me to invest in an apartament and car. WHAT!? WHY!? Life is SOOOOO short, why would I chain myself to such things at 22!?

Fact of life: you need to work to make money to live. True. Money is the tool you use to do whatever you want. Some people choose to buy cars, clothes, and an apartament. I'm sure that in the future I will do the same. Yet, I have met people who have abandoned this path while I traveling abroad in Rome. These people travelled the world. Literally they were everywhere. How did they do it? They would run out of money, work at a hostel, save up and move on. Amazing. That takes guts and determination.

It's quite easy to get stuck. Stuck in the cycle that society has planned out. On occasion, there comes along the individual who wants a little more than what the 'normal' path has to offer.

So Eric, go learn, live, and see the world for how it truly is, and share it with those who are afraid and only dream about what you do, so that they too may find the courage and determination to do same. Good Luck!

PS. don't forget to learn how to dance salsa. You'll be in South America... ;)

schamton said...

thank you 'An...' for your comment. why anonymous? It feels refreshing to know people that thinks similarly, that has travelled and learned to appreciate other cultures other than their own, and it feels good when this kind of people write honest comments on my blog, feeling what they write.. i get the impression that you'd love to do that kind of trip! :) so 'An...', go learn, live, and see the world for how it truly is, not forgetting that there are other countries other than Italy, Poland, and the U.S. :P
and my offer is still standing, when you finally decide to go to Argentina, just let me know ;)

Rob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob said...

I think your assumption that such a trip must be done while still "young" is a little misguided. It is easy to believe that generally, younger people live lives of fewer commitments, responsibility, and hassles, and therefore have an easier time embarking on such a trip.

But consider this: you take such a yearlong trip, such a "trip of a lifetime", when in you're twenties. You can realistically expect to live about 70 years or so, right? What do you do with the rest of your 50 years?? You've already taken your "trip of a lifetime" ... so is that it? No more? Corporate monkey for the next half century?

I've come to realize that life doesn't end at 30, as much as people our age might want to think/fear. We can and will accomplish a great deal after crossing this imaginary boundary between "youth" and "middle age", and onto "old age".

All in all, I guess what I'm saying is that there shouldn't be such a thing as a "trip of a lifetime", but rather, we should live our lives as one long journey, filled with both literal and metaphorical trips. In other words, if you love traveling, then never stop traveling, whatever the form may be.

You think that when you come back from this trip you'll be satisfied?? Hah! I think you will only thirst for more. I know I sure will.

Good luck! Be sure to let me know when you go. :-)

schamton said...

After learning that your mom travelled across south america in a motorcycle at the age of 40, i completely agree with you Robert. Anyone with determination and love for travelling can do this trip.

The fact that after doing this trip I will only thirst for more is very true indeed, and i'm so looking forward to it. :)

Life does not end at 30, but we do have less responsibilties and are more flexible in our 20s. Regardless, age is not a limitation in doing this kind of trips; our mind is (which is great, because this truly depends on ourselves and no one else). Corporate monkey for the next half of the century? haha definitely not for me (unless it's in my own corportion... :P )

"We should live our lives as one long journey, filled with both literal and metaphorical trips"

I like this phrase. Thanks for your comment.

Anonymous said...

this is a great idea, and you must know something... is better to do it before it's too late. i dream with trips like that, but sometimes i am too lazy :P
and one more thing, i was reading some comments also :)... why people think south americans must like/dance salsa?? haha i really dont like it :P

Sagadudu said...

Hey Eric,
Count me in on this... But first, we have to do a trip around Africa and through the cradle of civilization, on a motorcycle too of-course.

schamton said...

Usman, we've talked about this and you know a trip around Africa is a much more dangerous and extreme thing to do.

In one country they will bite you, get a chunk of meat from you and try to eat you up; in another they might shoot you in the ass; in another they will probably rape you and transmit you AIDS; in another crocodiles will endanger your life; in another lions; in another mosquitoes will transmit you malaria; and in another who knows what else could happen; and after all this, you'd probably go back to the country where they raped you cause you would have liked it!!! hahaha :P

ok, seriously, it would be very challenging indeed, but i would love to do it. So remember to let me know if you decide to do it, i might come with you!

Anonymous said...

I like you-more people should be like you :)

Jo said...

I'd love to do the same trip...
Can I climb on the back of your vespa?? :p

candice said...


Now that I met you, i can tell that you are what you wrote .. there should be more people like you. I really love people with dream and especially when they make it comes true ( let see in 6 years..)...
i still Being very amaze to see that you can wait all those years ( even if the time pass very fast; and that the point) ... i would be never able to wait to realize a dream , to be so serious.
in fact your are very realistic and a big dreamer in the same time...which I think is not commun ..

Also I still want to go in south america but because of opportunities of life i can go to south africa next summer... I read the comments here and saw that u speak about africa... south africa is probably one of the most beautiful place in the world but still dangerous...i don t know if i am ready to take risk to travel...

schamton said...

Gracias Candice :)
and hey! i'll do that trip sooner than what i expected ;) it will probably be in 2 or 3 years max.
- Eric