Felicitaciones Alan! A few weeks ago my brother graduated as a professional photographer. The following photographs are not representative of all the ones he has taken nor of his 'magic' with the camera, or maybe they are, but they are pictures I especially like.
Como aclaración, Alan: de los CDs y DVDs que mandaste, tengo una carpeta con 310 fotos que especialmente me gustaron, asi que la selección de estas fotos en particular es meramente resultado de una selección rápida, arbitraria y carente de conocimientos técnicos fotográficos. Asi que, nuevamente, es probable que no hagan justicia a tu talento ;) (pero solo aclaro para que después no rompas las bolas)

Alan Schamber
your brother takes great pictures! I like them all! but specially the one of the kid cuddling with the cat, and the one of policemen in that building. the roof seems to be on fire?? is it?? that's a really good one!
las fotos estan increibles... pon mas!! :)
sabes, siempre me pregunte como hacian en Bs As para pasear tantos perros a la vez. Realmente disfrutaran estando 10 perros pegados como sardinas??
cuando el paseador se distrae, los perros se dan entre ellos ;) a ellos les gusta estar todos apretaditos!
Thank's... I really apreciate that you post my pictures, and thank you Jeff and Norma. I really like when people can admire my pictures.
Of course, there are some pictures that I wouldn't have chosen, but others, yep. For example, the one of Constitución (policemen and the roof like fire, as Jeff said) and the one of the guy discussing with the policeman in the street: it's marvelous how in a single shot it can be seen the caos of the city.
Eric... thank's again... and I send you a big hug from argentina. Un beso asqueroso...
Para cuándo fotos mías volumen II???
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