Since my dad came to the US about 6 years ago (I came one year later) he – we, but mainly he – had never taken any vacations, so now that my mom was in Chicago for a few weeks, he decided to go somewhere warm to relax and spend some time with his wife. Nobody can reason nor explain why, but probably due to some bizarre combination of the stars or some inexplicable whim of destiny, mercy started flowing through his veins and he felt kind of pity for leaving us in the bitter cold of Chicago, so after a few days of laborious persuasion he finally agreed to take us with them =) joking… no persuasion was necessary, gracias Pa!
On December 25th, after a long night of celebration with family and friends, we left
This post is not about the trip however, but about a lady that we met in

Simple beauty is just too good to pass up, so we took a few moments to listen until she finished the song. After a small contribution in the basket she asked us where we were from, and she mentioned that she was originally from
It was interesting to see the reaction of some tourists passing by. At first, most were indifferent to the lady and wouldn’t even look in her direction, but now they would look at us with surprise and with an unequivocal expression in their faces, they would convey their astonishment and wonder of what the heck were we doing, or an ‘I would never do that’…
But why did we stop to listen to her while most didn’t? This got me thinking. Oftentimes we fail to notice simple but nonetheless amazingly beautiful things due to the fast pace we live our lives in. I am not saying that these tourists didn’t notice her because they were walking fast, because in fact they did notice her and deliberately ignored her, probably due to their superficiality and stupid arrogance. I’m not saying also that we should stop and listen to every person performing in the street, because some are simply terrible, and some stink a lot. But this lady was different. She was poor and her garments were poorly manufactured, but her poverty was noble, and her clothes were clean.
I think I quoted the following phrase before, but I’ll do it again: “Life is what happens while we are busy making other plans”. It’s good to have goals, to strive for ideals, but after we have spent years and years of abnegation, working and sacrificing valuable time to finally attain that yearned goal, then what? To be fair, it does depend on the nature of our goal, but would all these years have been worth it? It is hard to find time to sit back and appreciate the little things in life that mean the most to us. For me at least it is. I always feel like I have so much to do that I just can’t take some time to enjoy these things.
Sometimes I feel that time is an endangered species at the verge of extinction; that those that have it are the lucky ones, but for those of us that don’t, it’s kind of a feeling that time is ferociously consuming our minds… people running back and forth from their homes to their workplace, back to their homes, sleep a few hours, restore some energies, and back to the workplace… people worried about trivial problems… what are their plans for their future? Do they have any? We were born in this society, we were raised watching others play the same game, should we have any? Do we know of any other ways for living our lives? Is there any other way? Think about it. What’s important in life?
We need to learn to appreciate the small and invaluable things that surround us, be around people worth being around, appreciate those that appreciate you, ignore those that don’t – there are millions of people to interact with, why care about those that don’t like you? – enjoy the smell of freshly fallen pine needles, an early-afternoon siesta to recharge depleted batteries, a day where time doesn’t matter, enjoy the sunset as the day draws to a close, admire all animals and insects, and their complexity and equilibrium in nature... these simple things in life are by far the most rewarding and worth our time.
We need to take each day one at a time and enjoy the simple things in life, they should mean the most to us. I am not saying that we should take everything simple and be lazy and unproductive bums. Equilibrium is the rule. But life can be expensive and cause so much strife... these things are free, these simple things are there for us all.
very sweet voice of the lady indeed :)
Don’t let life take away the magic of lying in the grass!
I crochet the cookies. Its yarncookies..=)
Even though I often feel like smacking you when you get childish and "rompe pelotas", I completely admire the way you describe and explain things. You take the words I wouldn't be able to say as a result of my [ignorance?].
I couldn't agree more.
By the way, you can hear my voice in the background some times =P.
gracias re pancho! :)
kokalolasos fofinontot is a language? called thepiratelanguage you put o in the middle ..for example hi hoh i .. or bye bobye.
kokalolasos fofinontont is kalas fint wich means pretty nice in swedish. The cookies is just a timewaste when i dont now what to do..=)
Thanks for the feedback! It's always good to hear from the websurfers that stumble upon my blog.
I definitely agree about finding beauty in the little things...we can see them daily if our eyes are open.
¿Hablas español?
che, tu hermano tiene razon... tienes una manera muy especial de contar las cosas :)
ahora, no se si tendra razon en lo de "rompe pelotas" jajaja
la verdad, a veces, solo a veces, soy muy rompe bolas XD... pero muuuuy!!
Sí, pero es un poco difícil de entender el español argentino...
Sure, I'd love to hear some music from Argentina! I'm all about expanding my musical tastes, and I'll give most genres a try. Unless, of course, it's country.
Por lo general, pienso que español es una lengua mejor (castellano y todas las otras formas). Inglés no es tan sexy.
Love the pic of u't avatar :)
wow, i didnt know that someone is reading my blog..
so thank you for leaving a comment!
y si, hablo un poco de español.. me encanta.
are you telling me that your valentine's day was too... hmm somewhat subdued? :D dont worry, it couldnt be worse than mine.
i read about your plans. that old post about the amazing trip.. have to admit that looked almost like my own plans :)..
and now i dont know what to say, i'm totally surprised. you seem to be one of the most special persons i know in this world.
you see the things in a way everyone should see them. just keep going, you know what to do.
aaw, me encanta raphaël! especially the spanish version of caravane..
'si volvemos a la ruta'
la cancion mas increible del mundo..
but hey i didnt receive any email :0
hmm, and i'd really like to, so i'm afraid you have to try again to send it :)
estoy esperando.
te escribi algo inmenso, pero me cohibi! jajajaja
solo te diigo que si dejamos de disfrutar de las cosas simples y de nosotros mismo (un alto en algun minuto del dia) es el fin.
este mundo esta lleno de bellezas por contemplar.
lindo tono el de la señora.
creo ke me falla cuando escribo.
no no no no!!! sabes muy bien que al poner que habias escrito algo largo pero te arrepentiste te iba a pedir que lo pongas! en serio te falla. quiero que pongas lo que habias escrito!!
pelotudo te voy a hacer yo no más, no si es de cariño, si claaaro!!!
siempre saliendose con la suya... asi nos vamos. te voy a contar lo que iba a escribir, para que no me las rompas más... aunque no tengo... ya tu saaae, pero igual! jajajajajaja
Iba a contarte un poco una experiencia que me hizo ver lo importante que es no dejar jamás de apreciar las cosas, no solo cosas la simpleza de las cosas, no se si tan cosas, pero de todo tu entorno, y es que a veces el ritmo de vida te empieza a atrapar, te olvidas hasta de ti, y te dices, no es ke no tengo tiempo, no es que naaada, simplemente.. tiiip tippp lo perdiiimos! y bueno, algo así!
besos y abrazos...
no mejor no! devuelveeee jajaja
ya si no es mi culpa que me de lata borrar, pero o si no como sabrias que hice algo pero despues me arrepenti de hacerlo, cierto? jajajajajajaja
es que es de cariño, asi como de pena, o no?
"Iba a contarte un poco una experiencia que me hizo ver lo importante que es no dejar jamás de apreciar las cosas, no solo cosas la simpleza de las cosas, no se si tan cosas, pero de todo tu entorno, y es que a veces el ritmo de vida te empieza a atrapar, te olvidas hasta de ti, y te dices, no es ke no tengo tiempo, no es que naaada, simplemente.."
Pelotuda (con cariño y dulzura)! te falla. y donde esta esa experiencia que mencionas????? eso es lo que habias escrito y borraste, y seguis sin contarme!!
:) Take the time for live the real life, you're so right. Our world goes too fast, and all seems superficial... But, by enjoying simple and little things, we feel alive !
Thanks for this text, it makes me feel great. La vie est belle !
La vita è bella :)
Hey! Am I going to be the only one who will say something different???
I think it is really important to be able to watch and appreciate the simple and little things. But... do we do the same with complex ones?
I mean... are we aware that actually there are lots of beautiful things that people just don't take a look at them? Some kinds of art... is too complex for common people, and that's why they usually ignore them... but they decide to do so.
For music... most people can admire De Busy, Mozart or The Beatles. But how many can really appreciate Schoemberg, Frank Zappa or even Bethoven (I mean... musically, not just "hey... it sounds nice").
People usually don't try to understand the different from what we know. And we MUST be able to do it, if we want to be really able to appreciate life as it is: the simple, as the simple... and the complex, as being complex and beautiful being that way.
Also... we should think that if what we really want is to be able to appreciate life all day, and simple things, and people... we should also rethink how we make our living, how we live, and also how we spend our money. And also... is our money spent the way that we think it would be best for us, or just an 48" LCD to just loose time of our lifes???
So... also... is the time we spend on the web worth???
Hugs from Argentina...
You are totally right Alan about appreciating complex things. To be honest, i did not think about complex things when i wrote this, but i can't agree more. There are totally awesome things which are simply pretty hard to comprehend; hard to understand the nature of complex things. Hard to understand why they act the way they do. Not so long ago i came up with this video:
pretty amazing :) and the ordinary people just have no idea why this is happening. what are the physics laws behind it. Complex things can be as, and maybe some, even more exciting than simple things.
In science though, what's truly exciting and amazing is that most of the times what seems complex and extraordinary follows and obeys very simple rules in nature. I think Einstein once said 'th beauty of nature is that it is simple once known'... or sthing like that... and yep, once known... it takes time and effort oftentimes to get to know it, to understand, but it brings great satisfaction once understood.
i believe simplicity is and/or should be the rule. Not only in nature but in our lives.
So remember: K.I.S.S.
Keep It Simple Stupid ;)
I agree... with the thinking, but not with the conclusion. Why? Simply because you had to go to the complex things in order to make them simple again.
How can a 10 year old understand quantum physics or just what's going on in the sun???
Is it simple??? Hell no... but it is for people who studied it. If you ask something about chemistry to an economist, he'd probably be quite confused and accept his ignorance. You should ask that to someone who studied chemistry.
So... is the simple, also relative? Yes. And therefore, not because of keeping things simple, we should NOT study, or just be ignorant, but instead study more, to understand it and make it simple.
I think that most complex things are left complex because people don't want to waste time or don't show any interest in them. So... complex music, complex art, complex sciences, or complex whatever (actually... it would be complex anything that make people need a basis of information to understand it) are just left aside.
And it shouldn't happen that way.
At least... in my own opinion.
Hugs and kisses...
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